

The DocuSign integration allows you to send documents for e-signature directly from Fluxx to selected contacts and then automatically sync the fully signed version back to Fluxx.


How to Set Up

Step 1: Create a DocuSign account

  • If you do not already have a DocuSign account, you can sign up for a free trial. During the first 30 days of your trial, there is no limit on the number of documents you can send. After 30 days, you will only be able to send 3 documents before your account expires.

  • Note: the email address associated with your DocuSign account should be a foundation address, not an individual person's. An email will be sent to this address whenever a DocuSign recipient signs a document, and whenever there is a bounceback, so you should choose an appropriate address to receive these notifications.

Step 2: Contact the Fluxx Support Team

IMPORTANT! If you have not used the DocuSign integration in the past, please contact Fluxx support and create a ticket with us when you wish to enable it.

There is a quick backend configuration task that Fluxx internal staff need to complete before you will be able to use the integration.

If this step is skipped, you will see the error message "The redirect URI is not registered properly with DocuSign" when attempting to authorize the integration.

Step 3: Configure and authorize the integration

  1. Go to


  2. Log into your DocuSign account


  3. Click on your account dropdown in the upper right corner

  4. Copy your Account # under your account email


Log into your Fluxx site and go to the Admin Panel

  1. Select Plug Ins

  2. Select Integrations

  3. Click on DocuSign Settings

  4. Check the box next to “Docusign Settings” to enable the integration

  5. Enter your account credentials:

    • Username is your DocuSign account email address from Step 2

    • Password is your DocuSign account password from Step 2

    • Account ID is your DocuSign account ID number from step 4

  6. Optional settings:

    • Fill out Test Email if you'd like all emails to be rerouted to a specific email address during testing. This allows you to test adding recipients to a DocuSign document without those people actually receiving it

    • Check the box for Use Docusign demo site only if you are using a DocuSign developer account. A DocuSign developer account is a type of DocuSign account that anyone can sign up for. These accounts are free, fully-featured, and never expire. However, all documents sent with this account type will be watermarked and are not legally valid. This is a good option for non-production environments

    • Check the box for Auto-Attach Signed Documents to enable a PDF copy of the completed document to automatically sync back to Fluxx when the signing flow is complete. The signed version will sync back to the Document component on the original record where it was sent

  7. Click Save


  8. Click Authorize DocuSign. This will open DocuSign


    • Note: this will not work if you are signed in to a different DocuSign account in another browser tab. Please be sure you are not logged into any other DocuSign account except the one used by the integration

  9. Reenter your DocuSign account credentials, if prompted


  10. Click Accept when asked to authorize Fluxx to use your DocuSign account


  11. When you see this success page, your integration has been successfully authorized


Note: While the integration is authorized, anyone on your team will be able to jump directly from Fluxx to DocuSign to send out documents, without needing to provide DocuSign login credentials.

Your site's DocuSign authorization may expire from time to time. This is a required OAuth security measure to keep your connection to DocuSign safe. To prevent this from happening too often, Fluxx will attempt to refresh your authorization in the background anytime a user sends out a document.

If/when your authorization expires, the next user to try sending out a document from Fluxx will be prompted to enter a DocuSign email & password. Users should reauthorize with the same email & password used to set up the integration, or ask their Fluxx Administrator to reauthorize it from the Admin Panel if they do not know those login credentials (this can be done at any time).

Tip: Your DocuSign account might have multiple "users" allowing different team members to log in with their own email/password. If so, any of these login credentials can be used to reauthorize the integration. The email address for whichever one is used will be shown as the sender on all outgoing DocuSign documents sent from Fluxx. Fluxx is actively investigating possible mitigation strategies for this case. If you notice your DocuSign emails are being sent or received by the wrong User of your organization's DocuSign Account, please ask your Fluxx Administrator to reauthorize DocuSign in the Fluxx Admin Panel.

Step 4: Add DocuSign to forms

Log in to the Admin Panel for your Fluxx site

  1. Click Forms

  2. Click the Model Type you would like to add DocuSign on (e.g. Grant Request)

  3. Select the appropriate Theme and View

  4. Click on the Form Builder (hammer icon)


  5. Scroll down to your Documents component

  6. In the Attributes panel, check the Add DocuSign box

  7. Click Save

When all these steps are complete, you can use the DocuSign integration.

How to Use

Send a document for e-signature

  1. Open a card that has a theme that has DocuSign enabled on a Documents component

  2. Select a record from the list view

  3. Scroll down to the Document component

  4. Upload or generate a document if one is not already there

  5. Click the Collect Signatures with DocuSign icon. This will open the DocuSign modal


  6. Fill out the Subject and Body fields. These are for the email that DocuSign will send to the recipient(s) along with the document


  7. Choose your DocuSign recipient(s)

    1. Select the recipient type, then select/enter the individual, then assign them to either sign or receive a copy of the document, and then click Add

      1. Grant Contact: use the dropdown to select a contact linked to the Grant Request

      2. Fluxx User: type to search for anyone who has a User/People record in Fluxx (will autofill)

      3. Email Address: type to enter any email address


  8. Optional: customize the signature order

    • Uncheck Assign signing order if you would like all your recipients to get the document at the same time. Leave it checked if the signing order matters

    • If A signing order is checked, you can drag the rows around to change the order in which recipients should get the document. The recipient at the top will receive the document first

  9. Click Next.


  10. On the next page of the modal, click Continue to DocuSign


  11. A new tab will open. Wait for DocuSign to load the document

    • Note: this may take a moment, especially for a document that was generated in Fluxx (rather than uploaded)


  12. Use the DocuSign interface to "tag" the document indicating where and how each recipient should complete the document

    1. Use the dropdown in the top left corner to toggle between recipients

    2. Choose DocuSign fields in the left sidebar and drag them onto the appropriate spot on the document

  13. When the document is ready, click Send in the top right corner

  14. When you see the success message, you can close the tab to go back to Grantmaker

Track documents sent for e-signature

  1. When a document in Fluxx is sent out for e-signature, the Documents component on the relevant record will be updated in Fluxx with a history of the DocuSign recipients


  2. Once the document has been signed by all signers, a PDF copy of the completed document will be auto-attached to the record

    • The Auto-Attach Signed Documents option must be enabled in the DocuSign configuration settings in the Admin Panel in order for this to happen

    • Note: the sync is not instantaneous. Fluxx checks with DocuSign for any completed documents on a regular basis but there may be a period of 15-30 minutes from last signature until the upload in Fluxx.

  • If Assign signing order is unchecked, all recipients including CCs get the document at the same time regardless of where they are in the (unordered) list

  • If Assign signing order is checked, and CC'd recipients are at the beginning of the routing order, they get an email right away with the unsigned document and they also get an email when it's been fully executed by all signers

  • If Assign signing order is checked, and CC'd recipients are at the middle of the routing order, they get an email at the same time as whichever signer is right before them in the order, and they also get an email when it's been fully executed by all signers

  • If Assign signing order is checked, and CC'd recipients are at the end of the routing order, they only get an email when the document has been fully executed by all signers

  1. If “Omit as choice in Dropdown” is selected for a user record, the user will not be available for selection in the Docusign modal assigning signing order and recipients.